Friday, November 29, 2019

What Extent Can Virtual Learning Environments Essay Example

What Extent Can Virtual Learning Environments? Essay There has been a significant increase in the number of students enrolled in universities in the United Kingdom over the last two decades (Saunders and Gale, 2012:847). With a larger number of students, this results in larger class sizes in many institutions. Larger classes with traditional face-to-face teaching may not be efficient enough for students to obtain sufficient knowledge. A solution to this problem is the use of virtual learning environments (VLEs). Shea and Bidjerano (2010, cited in Matzat, 2013:40) stated that online and blended learning is likely to become an important part of the educational system. According to Zhang and Xie (2012:2236), nowadays, technology has developed to such a stage where high speed internet and broadband networks allow the access of actual laboratory resources. This will allow students to access laboratory tools and high performance software from their homes. Reid (2001, cited in Khorsandi et al, 2012:481) reported that there have also been the development and use of online faculty evaluations for students. Virtual learning environments, as defined by Leese (2009:72), are described as an environment which is computer-based and involves the sharing of information between learners and tutors. This essay will assert that using VLEs in an efficient manner can help improve the learning experiences of the student and also encourage behavior of students to take part in and out of class activities. The first part of this essay will look at the positive aspects of VLEs starting with how they are beneficial to students and teachers, then how VLEs encourage students to engage with in and out of class activities, and lastly how VLEs can be used to modify and enhance traditional face-to-face teaching in higher education. To begin with, there are many benefits that both students and teachers can gain from using VLEs. We will write a custom essay sample on What Extent Can Virtual Learning Environments? specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on What Extent Can Virtual Learning Environments? specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on What Extent Can Virtual Learning Environments? specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer VLEs contain many features, to name a few they include access to course materials, assessments, podcast, and discussion board. In a study by Saunders and Gale (2012:857), 90 % of students found that access to course materials through the use of VLEs was ranked highly for enhancing the learning experience. The reason for this was because VLEs allowed all students to gain access to the course material flexibly even in large classes. Furthermore students who missed the lecture could also review their class materials and test their understanding. In another study by Lonn and Teasley (2009:91), the findings report that students find podcast material to be beneficial to their studying. Podcast materials are used for reviewing concepts and issues that were presented in lectures. Once again, for students who missed some lectures they could still acquire the knowledge, issues and concepts that were presented in class. At the end of a course, VLEs can still be used for gathering teaching evaluations. From Khorasandi et al (2012:483), the results showed that students preferred performing evaluations online. Two of the main reasons why the students preferred online evaluations were because of anonymity and privacy. Apparently, it can be seen that VLEs benefit both students and teachers because it allows flexibility for students to access materials and allowing privacy and anonymity in performing evaluations. According to Leese (2009), it has become important that students need to develop certain skills in order to succeed in higher education. The objective of the study was to encourage student engagement in and out of class activities in order to obtain certain skills through the use of VLEs. At the end of the study, students commented that they were able to acquire a number of skills including using technology, teamwork, and presentations. Zhang and Xie (2012:2236) also reported that VLE helped students engage in investigation of authentic problems. Through the use of high speed internet, students could access laboratory tools and high performance software which aid their out of class assignments. Seemingly, it can be seen that technology and the internet can encourage behavior of student to engage in and out of class activities. As living in the 21st century the internet performs a considerable role. Supposedly, it is able to provide access to many resources from serious educational knowledge to humorous entertainment; it can change and enhance traditional face-to-face teaching in so many ways. With the help of VLEs course materials can be accessed easily and students can always review materials through podcasts, it is time for instructors to change their teaching styles not only improve the performance of students in and out of class but also get higher outcomes . From Heaton-Shrestha’s et al (2005:383) study, the staff reported that VLE had an impact on their teaching processes. Some staff had to change the way materials were prepared and designed moreover, how feedback was assessed and given to their students. According to Lonn and Teasley (2009:92), podcasting can allow instructors to focus on the main concepts and devote the time to other teaching strategies. With more time available, instructors are able to devote more time into face-to-face discussions and other innovative activities. With some changes add on the traditional face-to-face teaching, learning experience of students can be greatly enhanced. In conclusion, the essay has shown that VLEs can improve student engagement and performance. Used in an efficient manner, it can help improve the learning experiences of the students and also encourage students to perform better with in and out of class activities. Nevertheless, VLEs may not be able to replace the face-to-face lectures but when it is used in an efficient manner, VLE enhances the students’ learning. Students have found VLEs useful for downloading course materials and accessing multiple choice quizzes and case studies. Furthermore, students are able to acquire a number of skills through VLEs such as teamwork, presentation skills and also development in process of learning. While there are many factors that affect student interactions with VLEs, it can be said that VLEs greatly enhance the students’ learning experience in higher education. It is also important to know that with the aid of VLEs, the traditional face-to-face teaching must be modified. In future, instructors must change their teaching styles from merely lectures to student-centered approaches and create better environments for a wide variety of learning opportunities as a whole. Words Count: 1021 References * Heaton-Shrestha, C. , Edirisingha, P. , Burke, L. and Linsey, T. (2005). Introducing a VLE into campus-based undergraduate teaching: Staff perspectives on its impact on teaching. International Journal of Educational Research, 43, 370-386. Khorsandi, M. , Kobra, A. , Ghobadzadeh, M. , Kalantari, M. and Seifei, M. (2012). Online vs. Traditional Teaching Evaluation: A Cross-Sectional Study. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 46, 481-483. Leese, M. (2009). Out of class—out of mind? The use of a virtual learning environment to encourage student engagement in out of class activities. British Journal of Educational Technology, 40(1), 70-77. Lonn, S. and Teasley, S. D. (2009). Podcasting in higher education: What are the implications for teaching and learning? Internet and Higher Education, 12, 88-92. Maltby, A. and Mackie, S. (2009). Virtual learning environments – help or hindrance for the ‘disengaged’ student?. ALT-J, Research in Learning Technology, 17(1), 49-62. Matzat, U. (2013). Do blended virtual learning communities enhance teachers professional development more than purely virtual ones? A large scale empirical comparison. Computers and Education, 60, 40-51. Saunders, F. C. nd Gale, A. W. (2012). Digital or didactic: Using learning technology to confront the challenge of large cohort teaching. British Journal of Educational Technology, 43(6), 847-858. Sharpe, R. , Benfield, G. , Roberts, G. and Francis, R. (2006). The undergraduate experience of blended e-learning: a review of UK literature and practice. York: The Higher Education Academy. Zhang, X. S. and Xie H. (2012). Learning by Doing Approach in the Internet Environment to Improve the Teaching Efficiency of Information Technology. Procedia Physics, 24, 2231-2236.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Definition Essay Sample on Nuclear Energy and Key Issues

Definition Essay Sample on Nuclear Energy and Key Issues Nuclear energy is defined by Webster’s Encyclopaedia as energy from the inner core or nucleus of the atom, as opposed to energy released in chemical processes, which is derived from the electrons surrounding the nucleus. Thus, since the atom was split, releasing nuclear energy for the first time, it ushered in a new era of political, economic and social debate in the history of humankind. For the first time humanity had to grapple with the intricacies that this new nuclear age brought with it. People had to struggle with the dichotomy of nuclear energy, in time recognising both the benefits and the drawbacks associated with nuclear energy. Thus, over time as people became more educated and the level of awareness about nuclear energy was raised (especially during the activist years of 1960’s and 1970’s) the question is nuclear energy good or bad was increasingly being asked. This essay will therefore discuss the value of nuclear energy. It will focus on very pertinent issues that have long been debated in the area of nuclear energy. These issues include aspects such as nuclear waste, environmental costs, nuclear safety, nuclear sustainability and nuclear weapons. Nuclear waste The fuels in nuclear power reactors are a major source of the most dangerous and most radioactive waste produced. In the last 50 years, irradiated fuel has been responsible for 95% of radioactivity generated. 500 pounds of plutonium and approximately 30 tons of high-level radioactive waste are produced by a 1000-megawatt nuclear power plant on average each year. Nuclear waste is thus a very important and real problem that society has to deal with. Governments and private nuclear plants have to adequately and effectively deal with the safe removal of nuclear waste. When not done so, nuclear waste has the potential to become a very bad negative outcome from the use of nuclear power and energy. Nuclear waste is thus an instance that shows that nuclear energy can be construed as ‘bad.’ Environmental Costs The nuclear fuel cycle, which generates electricity from nuclear energy, releases carbon dioxide during mining, fuel enrichment and plant construction. Carbon dioxide intensivity is increased during uranium mining. As uranium mining proliferates as the demand for electrical energy and new nuclear plant construction increases, so will carbon dioxide levels in the earth’s atmosphere. In contrast to renewable energy, nuclear energy generates four to five times more CO2 per unit of energy produced, taking into account the total nuclear fuel cycle. Another somewhat startling fact is that the United Stated government allows the release of radioactive water into the environment at â€Å"permissible† levels. One can also not obtain a true and accurate picture of the exact amounts of nuclear and radioactive wastes and emissions leaked into the air, water and soil as the figures for these are not available, according to the website. At these rates, the earth’s atmosphere and ecosystem will soon be unable to cope with the amounts of waste and radioactivity injected into it. For these reasons, the impact of nuclear energy and waste has high environmental costs. Many people thus see nuclear energy’s impact on the environment as a negative cost that will inevitably not be sustained over the long term. For these reasons the Kyoto Protocol has been drawn up. It is an attempt to limit the negative impact that nuclear energy has on the environment. It is also an indication of the global trend in recognising that the costs of the nuclear age is and will continue to catch up with humanity. President Bush of the United States by refusing to sign the protocol and align the United States with the principles of the Kyoto Protocol has angered many in the international community. Nuclear safety There have been concerns around the use of nuclear energy as well as the storage of nuclear weapons. Repetitive problems have occurred with security, safety and environmental impact in the nuclear industry. High levels of radioactivity are thus dangerous to human health and well being. Safety at nuclear plants and reactors is therefore vital. Human error plays a major part in nuclear safety as in the case of the Chernobyl disaster in the Ukraine. There a nuclear leak caused by nuclear heating in a non pressurised boiling water nuclear reactor. The fallout killed over 250 people, thousands of square miles were contaminated and clouds of radioactive isotopes were found as far away as Sweden. Anxiety over the use of nuclear energy has been heightened by the Chernobyl disaster as well as accidents at Windscale in the UK and Five Mile Island in the US. Since governments do not recognise the dangers of radiation and radiation sickness nuclear safety is still a controversial subject. Nuclear Weapons Aligned to the issue of nuclear safety is the presence of nuclear weapons and arms. Nuclear weapons including the atom bomb, the hydrogen bomb and the neutron bomb and the vast numbers of weapons the world’s superpowers have amassed, have left those holding the power with the ability to destroy the world many times over. For many years during the cold war between the democratic west and the communist east, the world lived in fear of a nuclear winter. This is obviously a negative aspect associated with the nuclear age. While this essay thus far has discussed the negative aspects associated with nuclear energy, there are some benefits that go along with the use of nuclear energy. The Benefits of Nuclear Energy/Nuclear Sustainability Safety While no source of electrical power generation is completely safe, nuclear power has a remarkable record. About 20% of electricity generated in the U.S. comes from nuclear power, and in the last forty years of this production, not one single fatality has occurred as a result of the operation of a civilian nuclear power plant in the United States, Western Europe, Japan, or South Korea. No other form of energy production can even come close. Zero risk of large-scale oil spills Incidentally, getting rid of our dependence on imported oil is desirable not only from an environmental standpoint, but from a political one. The largest single activity of our military today is ensuring the security of the Middle East for U.S. interests. As far as the risk of large oil spills, the Exxon Valdez spill of 1989 was one of the worst environmental disasters in history. Economical Nuclear power plants are one of the most economical forms of energy production. Fuel costs for an equivalent amount of power run from 1/3rd to 1/6th the cost for fossil production, and capital and non-fuel operating costs are roughly equivalent, resulting in the overall cost of nuclear generation of electricity running 50% to 80% that of other sources. This is in spite of the fact that capital costs have been hugely inflated due to lawsuits, court injunctions, and other delaying tactics used by individuals and organizations opposed to nuclear power. Reliability Nuclear power plant capacity factors average about 75%. This is about equivalent to those of fossil fired plants, and since nuclear plants are required by the NRC to shut down for what often amounts to trivial reasons, that would indicate they are actually more reliable than fossil plants. Wind and Solar power cant come close to the capacity factors of nuclear power, for obvious reasons. Sustainability Even if Uranium mining were stopped today, the use of breeder reactors (which create more fuel than they use) would permit us to continue generating electricity at present levels for over a thousand years into the future. Conclusion There are thus benefits as well as well as drawbacks associated with nuclear energy. The advances made for humanity through the use of nuclear power has been significant (as seen through the advantaged of nuclear energy discussed in the previous section). However, the dangers associated with nuclear energy in the shape of weapons of mass destruction and the danger and potential of nuclear leaks and reactor meltdowns has also made people more apprehensive about nuclear energy. This contradiction that the nuclear age has brought the world makes it very challenging for one to decisively say that nuclear energy has been entirely good or entirely bad. This is because the inherent dangers in the use of nuclear energy mirror the dangers that were brought with other inventions and innovations that advanced and changed the shape of society, such as automobiles and air travel. Both these modes of transport present very real risks to the person that chooses to use it. However, there are also ma ny benefits, making it difficult for a realist to say that the automobile has been good or bad. This form of logic and analysis can be applied to the use of nuclear energy in society. We have to recognise the benefits that we have derived from it. If society had to continue using coal and other such sources as fuel, the world, with its exponential population explosion could very well have run out of these sources by now. It is for this reason that I recognise the value that the nuclear age has brought humanity and thus would have to agree that nuclear energy can be good. This is not an endorsement of nuclear weapons in any way. I recognise the potential for harm that they bring to the world at large and their use by governments as a form of threat in lieu of diplomacy violates ethical and moral guidelines and principles, when the norm of reciprocity should ideally dictate international relations and geopolitics. My recognition that nuclear energy as a good factor in society also comes with a further limitation; that safety and security at power plants and reactors be made the m ost important factor so that the safety of the community in which the plant is located is ensured. You can order a custom essay, research paper, term paper, thesis or dissertation on Nuclear Energy topics from our professional custom essay writing service which provides high-quality custom written papers at an affordable cost.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Management - Structure, Culture, Define, & Estimate Essay

Management - Structure, Culture, Define, & Estimate - Essay Example The main difference between projects and organizations lies in their size, as projects are smaller than organizations. In addition, organizations are permanent, while projects are temporary. Therefore, projects are a representation of the larger organizations, as they both exhibit similar processes and design principles. Both projects and organizations are unique as no project or organization can fully resemble another. In organizations and projects, a group of people, who ensure that the objectives of the project or organization are met, form a team that works together. Additionally, for organizations and projects to succeed, they require skills, techniques, knowledge, and tools, which are all provided by the employees in both cases, ensuring the attainment of objectives. Both elements also have a fixed budget, which helps in the sustenance of their operations. The resources of organizations and projects are limited, hence the need for them to ensure a reliable supply of resources, on exhaustion of the ones at hand. All projects have sponsors, who are responsible for guiding the processes of the project and ensuring achievement of the project’s objectives. Most organizations too have sponsors who perform similar roles (Harrington, 2006). There is a great extent of resemblance between the management of a project and organizational management. For the achievement of organization’s objectives, there must be processes and management systems for success of the organization. In organizational management, important pillars include planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. In both cases, there is a management team, which is responsible for controlling and overseeing operations involved. Finally, projects and organizations go through similar processes of planning, execution, and control (Harrington, 2006). In conclusion, it is agreeable that projects are a smaller version of the larger organization, because of the greater extent of

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Describe the original position. why does Rawls thinks that it is a Essay

Describe the original position. why does Rawls thinks that it is a good device selecting principles of justiceHow does Nozick c - Essay Example The foundation of this principle is that everybody is takes up a position in the society as equal and free in relation to other members of the same society. The people therefore agree to jointly commit to the principles of social and political justice. This position, the original position, is distinguished from other social views by what Rawls terms as the â€Å"veil of ignorance†; an insurance policy that guarantees impartiality of ones judgment. This is done by depriving every member of the society all the knowledge of his or her unique and individual characteristics relative to the other members of the same society based on the historical and social characteristics of the said individual. They therefore operate from a common point of ignorance as to the circumstances and capacities of every member of that society (Rawls, 1999, p. 15). However, as to their knowledge of specific fundamental interests that they all enjoy, nothing is done. This is in addition to information bas ed on biology, economics, psychology and several other aspects of the social sciences. Under the original position therefore, the parties are then given several alternatives of the major conceptions of what justice is based on the common and customary usage of political and social philosophy and given the option to pick the best alternatives of the concept of justice that would be the best means of advancing their interests. These interests are those aspects that would then enable them to pursue their fundamental interests and final ends in the most effective manner. In the best possible justifiable scenario that while ensuring all their interests are catered for, it does not short change the individual member of the group (Rawls, 1999, p. 17). It is the contention of Rawls that it would be most rational for the parties involved in making these choices to select the two principles of justice. The first principle of justice guarantees individual’s basic rights and freedoms tha t are needed to ensure the security of the most basic interests of an individual who is free. It also allows citizens to equally pursue a broad range of conceptions that they consider to be good. The second principle of justice is more sociological. It provides equality in employment opportunities and education. In this way, individuals are enabled to compete at an equal level for the prerogatives and powers of any office. It also secures for everybody the minimum of the all-purpose means, this includes wealth and income that one would require in order to pursue their specific interests and to maintain their dignity as equal and free persons of the society in which they are in. The Original Position and Argument for Justice It should be noted that according to Rawls, the original position is not a situation that involves bargaining. This view does not contemplate that the parties will make proposals and counterproposals so as to negotiate the various principles of justice. It is als o no a free ranging discussion. The parties do not come up with their own constructions of what justice is. The fundamental basis of this position is that the deliberations that may exist between the members of the society are more constrained. They are actually given a specific list of the conceptions of justice that is based on the social and political philosophy of the West. While the list is not exclusive, its principles are basically

Monday, November 18, 2019

Merger Mellon Financial and Bank of New York Case Study

Merger Mellon Financial and Bank of New York - Case Study Example How the two companies deal with the purchase and how the purchase is being reported to the public is what differ one term from another. Acquisition is when a firm takeover another firm (the target), become the only owner and its stock would still be traded unlike the target company. On the other hand, â€Å"mergers of equal† is when two companies seek the benefit ofbecoming one single company and neither is acquiring the other. Usually both companies are about the same size and shareholders would surrender their shares to be given in return the shares of the new single entity. Prior to the integration, a proper due diligence must be conducted before negotiating and closing the deal.Mergers are governed by each state’s law.The board of directors of the companies and the shareholdersmust approve the merger of equal first before it is put into action.After the approval is given, acommunication ground should be established and an integration process should be taken to combine the two business units systems in one new system. First, a merger integration committee (MIC) should be formed. The responsibility of MIC is to arrange and organize the integration process and to prepare the proposal for shareholders’ considerations. MIC considered being the main player in executing the merger not to mention being the coordinator for a harmonic and smooth integration as well as a value added post-merger success. The MIC should have weekly meetings to solve any issues that are notgoing as scheduled. In the case of the merger of equals of Bank of NY Mellon, the largest security servicing firm, the integration committee dedicated a lot of efforts so it will not be surprised by any chance. It dealt with the business lines in two methods in which it hired representatives to help in executing and request detailed reporting in weekly basis. The vision and objectives of the merger should be served through selecting the best possible Integration plan and team.The value of the new organization can be created through th e ability of taking tough decisions, which occurred during the shift of the administration, the procedures the technologies, the system not to mention the culture to implement the new organization vision. Changes made usually include the leadership structure (executives and board members) as a redistribution of positions and authority is likely to occur. The integration plan includes integration of strategy, reporting, people, procedures and culture. The administration style is the one who design and create the culture and the behavior which is one major part of the due diligence taken prior to the merger. As change is a critical part for any organization, Integration efforts of systems and servicesfirst require evaluating the speed of change (whether it is radical or not). It is crucial to dedicate theneeded time to complete processes. Second, it is important to maintain the customer focus during the integration and not to neglect it. Moreover, a clear intensive communication must be insured from an early stage internally and externally. Internal communication can be established by maintaining optimism and positivity among each employee toward the new transformation that has been brought by the merger. 2. List the five key risks and related controls the newly merged company faced during the integrations phase. Please consider the strategy considered by management of both companies during the negotiations? Culture risk; Culture is the set of values, beliefs, behaviors, assumptions shared among employees of a certain entity.It is what effect and influences the actions of the people within the firm, explains attitudes and why people behave in a certain pattern. It is taken for granted for people from the insideas it

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Advantages And Disadvantages To Javascript Computer Science Essay

Advantages And Disadvantages To Javascript Computer Science Essay The ability to make site inspection data and real-time response, it should use the technology called AJAX Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. AJAX is a name for a group of technologies, including JavaScript, CSS and XML. It can run in Web browsers, enhanced interactivity, ease of use and speed. JavaScript may be a client-side scripting language developed by Netscape development. JavaScript is published since 1996. At the time, it supports Netscape Navigator 2.0 and Internet Explorer 3.0. XML (Extensible Markup Language) is designed to improve the data description, storage and exchange. It is published by the W3C in 1998. Its conceptual design and hierarchy node to provide good support for data storage. CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is a style sheet language. It is used to separate the data layer and display layer in HTML. In other words CSS can provide a solution to be defined and looked at the web page format. The most important is the use of AJAX, use XHR (XMLHttpRequest) for playing Web server. XHR object created when a user will establish a connection to the Web server. XHR object occurs between the Web browser and Web server. XHR object will listen to the web server updates the Web page production part of the update. XHR then be adopted by the update to the web browser to update the Web page is part of it. This mechanism successfully reduced bandwidth usage and data processing. Widespread use of AJAX interactive Web pages, such as Google Maps, Google search suggested that the stock price quote. In our system, we will use JavaScript for validation, because JavaScript is a scripting language. JavaScript is the ability to use the function to verify the clients data input incorrect data and we want. For example, if you enter the correct date, month and year. In addition, JavaScript can prevent users from submitting data, if the data does not meet the system asks. In order for the site have the ability to validate data and respond in real time, it was a technology called AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) to use. AJAX is a name of a group of technologies, including JavaScript, CSS and XML. It could run on a web browser and increase interactivity, user friendliness and speed. JavaScript could be a client-side scripting language developed by Netscape. JavaScript has been published since 1996. At that time, she supported Netscape Navigator 2.0 and Internet Explorer 3.0. XML (Extensible Markup Language) has been design, improve data description, storage and exchange. It published in 1998 by W3C. His concept nodes and the hierarchical structure also provide support for data storage. CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is a style sheet language. It is used to separate the data layer and layer display in HTML. to provide other word to define a CSS could be fixed method and format to search the site. The most important use of AJAX is playing with XHR (XMLHttpRequest) to deal with web server. A XHR is made, user must connect to the Web server. The XHR object is passed between web browsers and web servers. The XHR object is heard on the Web Server Update Web site update a part. Then XHR will be going in the update to the web browser on the part of the web site to renew. This mechanism successfully, the bandwidth decreases with and data processing. AJAX has been cited widely by using interactive Web page, such as Google Map, Googles proposal and the share price. In our system, we will use JavaScript to do the validation, because JavaScript is a scripting language. JavaScript is able to function, but want that data, client input with real data confirm we are not. For example, it is input the correct day, month and year. In addition, JavaScript could prevent users from sending data when the data was not met, the system inquires. Pic 2.2 Create the variable At the beginning, the script would built a lot of variables that we will use (Pic 2.2). Pic 2.3 The validation function Then, we shall use the procedure to do the validation (Pic 2.3). On line 19, the code was used to begin checking by if loop with the conditions. The code on line 22 alert user à ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒâ€¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"Please select date for meter reading!à ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ã‚ , if user have not enter the day. From line 25 to 41, the function was setup to notice user whether they are input the incorrect year, day, month, also the meter reading. Pic 2.4 The validation to the meter reading From line 52, the JavaScript will check the meter reading input. It will alert if user input the meter reading is less then previous or it is not a number. Pic 2.5 These code will disable the submit button From line 120 to 136, JavaScript will have the result from the script we have mention above. If user input incorrect data, the submit button will gray out to prevent user to press it. If the information is correct, the function will change the button to normal status and user can click it. Pic 2.6 The submit button The script of the line 147 to 160 on the send button. The Send button is with JavaScript (line 152), are playing to validate information. Since there is, if the browser do not play with JavaScript, allow line 155-158 users submit button without JavaScript. With JavaScript, there are some advantages and disadvantages. On the negative side, there are security and reliability problem. Because JavaScript runs on the client computer, they will be used in a position for malicious purposes such as: Dead code insertion code conversion, register re-allocation Some people stop running JavaScript, it will affect the system running. In addition, the results of its portable, it is fully operational and rely completely on the client side web browser. That is, when client browser does not support JavaScript, or not enough new version of some script failed in the current. Although JavaScript has some weaknesses, there are many positive feature to help developers become the first choice. First, JavaScript is not on the server side to load the current resources and increase server capacity to save. In other words, client JavaScript functions can immediately instead of waiting to respond Server. Second, JavaScript is relatively easy to learn and implement. It is an open source high-level language is, it is easy to implement, compared to other programming languages such as Python, Perl, C # Finally, a well-tolerated JavaScript language. It may be written in other web page in another language, like PHP and Perl. It may interact with other language for a variety of applications to play well. Finally, AJAX (JavaScript and XML in particular) offer the ability to validate our system, greatly reduce the occurrence of bad data, do. And cost reduced compatibility with PHP much development time. Finally, because it can run on the client side, saving them directly to server computing resources. It indirectly reduce administrative costs, hardware investment costs and save development costs.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Teaching-Learning Experience Essay -- Health Care, Nursing

There are many factors in society that have both a direct and indirect influence on the competencies that our student nurses and colleagues need to attain to provide competent evidenced based care. Nursing has a social duty to ensure positive patient care outcomes and contribute to society through knowledge based care. The first step that this author think that we must do as nurse educators in order to have a role in this duty is assess the society for changes that are occurring that we must prepare our students to effectively deal with from a knowledge based standpoint with fellow humans as the main focus (McCurry, Revell & Roy 2010). We as nurse educators and nurses must question existing care practices, try out innovative measures and participate in research for the common good of our society and patients (McCurry et al. 2010) After analyzing society for changes that have occurred in the last five years the following are the two changes that this author thinks should affect o ur profession’s educational experiences of nursing students as well as practicing registered nurses including: obesity and smoking cessation. If anyone in society was to read a newspaper, article or watch the television then they would be likely to hear or see someone talking about the epidemic of obesity whether directly or indirectly. There is a lot of focus on reducing obesity or preventing obesity through keeping weight under control to avoid chronic preventable diseases (Poon & Tarrant). Obesity is a medical condition where there is excess accumulation of body fat that has the potential to cause adverse health effects and diseases including: diabetes, renal insufficiency, osteoarthritis, sleep apnea and certain cancers (Poon & Tarrant 2009... ...ludes: stress reduction, breathing techniques, and nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) if needed by the patient. Nurses have a sworn duty and obligation to promote the good of society in practice and we as nurse educators have that same responsibility. We must fulfill this responsibility by assess for societal changes that are occurring and which we need to include in our content matter when educating student nurses or fellow colleagues to ensure positive patient care outcomes. After assess the societal changes that have occurred in the last five years it is in this authors opinion there has been a focus and refocus on reducing obesity and smoking. It is great to see that the organization for this author’s practical experience has included these changes on their agenda for providers of health care which will promote the greater good of society as a whole.

Monday, November 11, 2019

My Favourite Communication Essay

Introduction to communication, I not only have more knowledge, and skills but also having real experiences. Nonverbal Communication and establishing relationship level meaning which are the most important things I had been learned. Nonverbal communication is crucial in relationships because it is essentially the leading factor for communication. There are three different ways that nonverbal communication is shown in relationships: responsiveness, liking, and power. Responsiveness is when we use our eye contact, posture, and body gestures to convey our emotions and thoughts to the other person. For instance, if someone were to slouch in their chair and have a bored look on their face, they are probably conveying that they don’t care about the class or that they are not interested in anything that is being said. Liking is a way to show positive communication towards others. Examples of this would be smiles, hugs, kisses, high fives, etc. Learning about nonverbal communication and how it establishes relationship level meaning is crucial in my everyday life. Nonverbal communication is essential in any relationship so learning about responsiveness, liking, and power, will give me a better understanding on the quality and level of my relationships. For instance, when I am working with a group at university, I will be able to better understand and have better awareness of the people who want to work and those who do not. It not only helps to better understand nonverbal communication but also to be aware of it in every situation. In my future career, nonverbal communication will play a fundamental role. If I am to pursue a profession in sign language interpreting, I will have to be able to tune my senses to everything nonverbal. Sign language is all about facial expression and body language, so learning about postures and gestures in nonverbal communication will really give me a tool to be aware of the nonverbal behaviors.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

buy custom China Central University of Science and Technology essay

buy custom China Central University of Science and Technology essay How and why ESP is taught in China Central University of Science and Technology (A case study on ESP teaching in Central China University of Science and Technology) Please fill in the questionnaire to enable the researcher to get reliable information. The information received will be used for academic purpose only. A. GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Gender a) Female b) male Please select your age bracket a) 51 years and above b) 41-50 years c) 31-40 years d) 21-30 years e) Below 20 years 3) Are you a student or a teacher? a) Student b) Teacher 4. Do you think teaching ESP is necessary when preparing for a career or a certain study? a) Yes b) No c) Dont Know 5. Do you think ESP learning in China Universities is done effectively? a) Yes b) No c) Not sure 6. Do you enjoy learning or teaching ESP course as demanded by your specialization? a) Yes b) No If yes or no state why......................................................................... 7. What are the main features in teaching ESP? Kindly mention them briefly using A comma to separate your points .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................... 8) How does ESP differ from GE in terms of teaching? ESP GE i i ii ii iii iii iv iv v v vi vi 9. Do you think there are favorable or unfavorable conditions faced by teachers of ESP in Wuhan University and Wuhan University of Technology a) Favorable b) Unfavorable If favorable or unfavorable mention them separating your points with a comma .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 11. How can the mentioned unfavorable conditions be improved without altering favorable ones? ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 12. What perception do teachers and students have of ESP and the pedagogical approaches in teaching ESP?........................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 13. Are there enough ESP teaching materials in the Central China University of Science and Technology? Yes No If yes or no are they relevant? Yes No 14. Do you think that ESP courses taught in the Central China University of Science and Technology are content based? Yes they are No they are not 15. What would you recommend in improving ESP teaching in China Universities and other institutions of higher learning globally?........................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Key: ESP- English for Specific Purposes GE- General English (Use this symbol to mark your opinion) Buy custom China Central University of Science and Technology essay

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Womens Rights in 3rd World Countries essays

Womens Rights in 3rd World Countries essays There was a young woman who left her home in Mycrorayan in Kabul, Afghanistan for Peshawar after the January 1994 fighting and told Amnesty International of the following situation. "One day when my father was walking past a building complex he heard screams of women coming from an apartment block which had just been captured by forces of General Dostum. He was told by the people that Dostum's guards had entered the block and were looting the property and raping the women." The following story comes out of Iran. "On August 10, 1994, in the city of Arak, Iran, a woman was sentenced to death by stoning. According to the ruling of the religious judge, her husband and two children were forced to attend the execution. The woman urged her husband to take the children away, but to no avail. A truck full of stones was brought in to be used during the stoning. In the middle of the stoning, although her eyes had been gouged out, the victim was able to escape from the ditch and started running away, but the regime's guards recaptured her and shot her to death." From China comes the following observation. "Still in the streets an occasional old crone hobbling around on her miniature bound feet was a relic of the pre-Revolutionary, almost dead past. I also heard an echo of that past in a silk thread factory in Wuxi, China. A woman member of its Revolutionary Committee was introduced to me as a veteran worker. The description astonished me because she looked so young. On inquiry I learned that she was indeed only 34 years old, but that she had toiled in the mill for twenty-six years, having begun this job as an 8-year old child. These three incidents reflect typical crimes and injustices against women in the Third World countries. Crimes against women include abuse, slavery, false imprisonment, murder and rape. In these countries, women are considered to be inferior to men and are not granted equal rights or protection under...

Monday, November 4, 2019

The Act of Rent-Seeking Crucially Cost in Late-Developing Countries Essay

The Act of Rent-Seeking Crucially Cost in Late-Developing Countries - Essay Example Rent-seeking as the advance in nature and governments are playing the central roles in facilitating it (Bardhan 2005, pp30-60). Rent seeking occurs today in a situation where a certain organization sets its prices too high without considering the interests of its customers or in a situation where the government forms a legislation favoring a certain group of people. Demonizing of rent-seeking acts is referred to as the measures used to criticize or to show the bad picture of rent-seeking acts. Non-governmental organizations and societies normally do demonize of rent-seeking acts. However, in some instances, government organizations emphasizing in transparency are formulated to regulate on rent-seeking acts. Rent seeking acts are majorly responsible for the development of labor unions and political parties. Morally rent-seeking is unacceptable, and it deprives other people their rights. The unfortunate situation is that countries that are more involved in demonizing rent seeking are e conomically back wise. A perfect example is developing countries that every year is not experiencing a large economic growth and is stagnating economically. While in countries like Britain where rent-seeking got minimal restrictions are more developed. Therefore, in some way demonizing rent seeking has greatly contributed to the sluggish economic growth, in developing countries. In order to draw conclusions regarding this subject, a proper understanding of rent-seeking, economic development, and political economy of rent-seeking is under discussion in this paper. A government restriction on economic activities is a common practice in economies that are market-oriented. The government restrictions result in a series of rents that in most cases attract large completion among concerned parties. Although the competition is legal, rent seeking in some cases takes a different connotation that is illegal in nature.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Put the best topic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Put the best topic - Essay Example Scientific point of view is that the universe was created from nothing by a big bang. The same is written in Genesis: there was nothing and the Lord created light. When we look at Darwin’s theory of evolution, we can notice that the order of appearance of all the living creatures and species is the same that the one described in genesis. So the only difference between scientific views and Biblical legend is in different forms of presentation of information. Biblical story is more like a metaphor and doesn’t seem serious and realistic enough for many modern people to believe. That’s why they prefer believing scientific theories which seem more valid and are more likely to believe that such a huge universal changes could have happened in millions of years but not within seven days. Still we have to remember that the most important thing is the main point of the story. If to look at the issue from this point of view, Christian understanding of creation has no contra dictions with the scientific one. Moreover, if to look closely to the way that Christian story of creation describes nature, it shows us that people are a part of some great system with the Creator over everything. The fact makes us realize that human beings aren’t the rulers of this world and if there is something bigger and more powerful than them, they have to learn how to obey the system of nature. The point is that people often are too arrogant about what they are capable of and this frequently ruins the world. People fight with each other for power and become overwhelmed by negative feelings and intentions. But if all of them once understood that there is a punishing force of justice, they would become more aware of their role in this world. As long as we don’t understand that we are the equal part of this universe and we have to do our best to improve the world instead of ruining it, we will keep destroying the world. Christian